Our Experts

Gynecologic Oncology

Li Jun-dong

Dr. Jundong Li is an experienced gynecological oncologist and vice director of Gynecological Oncology Department. He is also an executive board member of Gynaecologic Oncology Committee, Guangdong An...

Li Yanfang

Prof. Li graduated from Department of Medicine, former Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences and was conferred upon the degree of Bachelor of Medicine in July 1986; graduated from former Tongji ...

Liu Ji-hong

Dr Ji-hong Liu is currently a professor of Gynecological Oncology Department (GO), as well as a supervisor of PhD student. Dr Liu obtained her MD and Master degree in Sun Yat-sen University of Medical...

Min Zheng

Dr Zheng is a professor of gynecological tumors at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, as well as a supervisor of PhD students. Dr Zheng obtained her Bachelors in Medicine (equivalent to MD in the ...

Huang Xin

Dr. Xin Huang is the professor of gynecologic oncology of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Dr. Xin Huang received her Bachelor in Medicine (equivalent to MD in the US) at Sun Yat-sen University ...

Xiong Ying

Dr. Xiong Ying, associate chief physician, entered Department of Gynecological Cancer at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center in 1996. He served as the associate chief physician and advisor of master...

Zhang Yanna

Dr. Zhang Yanna graduated from Zhongshan medical college in 1986, and then began work at Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center (SYSUCC), where she received special training in Gynecological Oncolo...

Jieping Chen

A short paragraph about you (a brief bio, standout achievements, affiliations etc.)  Dr Jieping Chen is anAttending physician at Sun Yat sen University Cancer Center. He is interest in diagnosis...

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