About Us
  • 1964
  • 1970s
  • 1980s
  • 1990s
  • 2000s
  • 2010s
  • Welcome

    This timeline provides a glimpse into the history and development of Sun Yat-sen Cancer Center from a small hospital to the modern cancer center it is today. Looking at some of the milestones in the history of the center, this picture archive showcases the workers and some of the evolutionary changes in technology, culture and architecture throughout the decades.

  • Opening
  • Prof. Hsieh Chih Kuang
  • Prof. Bo-Qiang Liang
  • Vice President
  • Ke Lin
  • Leadership
  • Newspaper
  • Cobalt therapy
  • Patient Care
  • Clinic
  • Leaders
  • Workers
  • Construction

    The predecessor of SYSUCC was the Tumor Hospital in South China, opening in March 1964. Back then, it was a small hospital equipped with only 80 ward beds and 163 employees.


    It started back in 1948. Prof. Hsieh Chih Kuang was working in favorable conditions at the Lingan University in Hong Kong but gave up the position because he believed in the public introduction of x-ray diagnosis and radiotherapy technologies. In order to provide better medical services for the people of Guangdong province, he suggested the government to build a new cancer hospital. He immediately got strong support from Mr. Zhu Tao who was the Chief Party Secretary of Guangdong Province at the time. The hospital opened its doors 1964, under the leadership of President Hsieh Chih Kuang – the founder of clinical radiotherapy in China.

    Prof. Bo-Qiang Liang, became the first President of the Cancer Institute. He was also the founder of Pathology in China . 

    Liao Yueqin was the first Vice President of the South China Tumor Hospital.

    The Dean Ke Lin participated in the opening of the South China Cancer Hospital, welcoming domestic experts.

    Group photo of the President of the South China Tumor Hospital amongst other domestic experts and guests during the opening ceremony.



    An early news article from a Hong Kong publication covering the opening of the hospital.

    A patient undergoing Cobalt Therapy.


    A picture of one of the first nursing groups in the South China Tumor Hospital.

    The entrance to the early clinic of the hospital.

    Ke Lin Dean and the South China Cancer Hospital leaders.


    Workers cycle to the hospital.

    Ongoing construction of the hospital in 1963. Dean Ke Lin organizes an inspection of the build.

  • Office

    Staff members share a joke in the office.


  • World Health Organization
  • CJC
  • WHO
  • Prof. Guan
  • Academic Exchange
  • Delegates
  • Outpatients

    In the 1980s, the World Health Organization (WHO) officials visited the hospital and became a collaborating center.

    Created in 1982, the Chinese Journal of Cancer (CJC), initially named (癌症). An early cover from the journal.

    WHO officials during a tour of the center.

    Professor Guan teaches students about the diagnoses of disease.

    Experts gather to discuss academic practice.

    Brazilian experts come to visit the hospital.

    The corridor to the outpatient building.

  • Entrance
  • Cancer Prevention and Control Center
  • 1992
  • Brunch and Symposium
  • Class A
  • X-ray
  • Prof. Cai
  • Prof. Zhong
  • Zhang's team
  • Grduate Students
  • Singing competition
  • Fifth Workers' Congress
  • Prof. Zhang
  • Nasopharyngeal fibroscopy
  • Groundbreaking
  • Provincial Key Laboratory
  • X-ray
  • Pathology

    The main entrance of the hospital in the 1990s.

    In 1990, the medical staff of the Cancer Prevention and Control Center visited Humen for patriotic education

    In 1992 the appointment of the social inspector of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Bureau Commissioner Lai Guoguang delivered a speech.


    In 1992, a number of  cadres of the Cancer Hospital conducted a symposium.

    In 1994,  SYSUCC becomes a Level III Class A hospital.

    Director Lin  X-ray examination (1994).


    Professor Tan, examines a postoperative patient in 1994.

    Professor Zhong in 1994, instructs medical staff.


    Zhang's team from the department in 1995.

    Professor Qian and graduate students in 1996.

    1997 Zhongshan Medical University "party in my heart" singing competition at the hospital.


    In 1998, the fifth session of the Workers' Congress took place.

    Professor Zhang prepares a patient for radiotherapy in 1996.  

    In 1996, Dr. Deng carried out a nasopharyngeal fibroscopy.

    In 1997, Yi-xin Zeng newly elected president gives a speech during the groundbreaking ceremony for the medical technology building.

    SYSUCC becomes Guangdong's Provincial Key Laboratory of NPC.

    The X-ray room in the late 1990s.

    Pathological analysis by Dr. Wu.

  • CTC
  • Opening
  • Fun run
  • Fun run
  • SKL
  • Workers' Party
  • Meeting
  • School run
  • Leadership
  • Blood donation
  • Celebrations
  • Gastric and Pancreatic Branch
  • TCM
  • Da Vinci Robot
  • SKL
    SYSUCC becomes a National Clinical Trial Center for Anti-cancer Drugs in 2001.

    In 2002, the medical research building (Building 1) was completed.

    December 2003, staff take part in the fun run.

    More fun runners.

    SYSUCC becomes a State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China in 2005.

    In March 2004, the General Agreement of Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party Sun Yat-sen University was established.


    November 2006 Hospital meeting.

    March 2006 Sun Yat-sen Spring School run.

    February 2007, Cancer Prevention and Control Center party elected leadership.

    In January 2008, the center organizes a blood donation drive.

    May 2009 International Nurse Festival Celebration, award-winning nurses and leaders in the stage photo nostalgia

    2009, the Gastric and Pancreatic department opens.

    In 2009, SYSUCC Integrates Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in cancer treatment.

    Surgery Da Vinci Robot team


    In 2005, SYSUCC became a State Key Laboratory.
  • CJC
  • UICC
  • Warwick
  • Team building
  • Warwick Partnership
  • Conference
  • New Building

    A selection of Chinese Journal of Cancer covers from 1988 to 2011.


    SYSUCC becomes a Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) Member & Guangdong Esophageal Cancer Research Institute in 2012.

    On May 27th, 2014, the Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center took its first move to establish a long-term partnership with the University of Warwick, UK, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Based on mutual respect and benefits, SYSUCC and the University of Warwick will explore through this MoU a range of opportunities in Systems Biology, Nursing, Administrative Staff Training and Digital Pathology.

    Staff members partake in teambuilding exercises in 2015.

    On October 21, 2015, Vice President of the Center Prof. Qian Chaonan and and Prof. Lawrence Young Vice President of the University of Warwick, signed a cooperation agreement.

    The 5th Guangzhou International Symposium on Oncology was held on December 1-3, 2016, at the Baiyun International Convention Center in Guangzhou, China.

    Brick laying ceremony for new Luogang campus


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