Dr. Ankui Yang has extensive experience and expertise in developing surgical treatment for Head and Neck Cancer, including the treatment for thyroid cancer, throat cancer, tongue cancer, salivary gla...
Dr. Guo Zhu-Ming is a professor of Head and Neck Surgery of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Dr. Guo obtained his Bachelor in Medicine (equivalent to MD in the US) and Master Degree in Medi...
Dr. Zhang Quan is a professor of Head and Neck Surgery Department of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Dr. Zhang obtained his Bachelor in Medicine (equivalent to MD in the US) and PhD at Sun Yat-...
Dr. Song Ming is professor of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Dr. Song obtained his Bachelor in Medicine (equivalent to MD in the US) at Sun Yat-sen Uni...
Dr. Xuekui Liu has extensive experience in diagnosing, taking surgery and developing comprehensive treatment for Head and Neck Cancer, especially for thyroid cancer and oral cancer; and he also has e...
Dr. Wenkuan Chen has extensive experience in diagnosing and developing treatment for Head and Neck Cancer, especially in throat function conserving therapy and thyroid cancer treatment.
Dr. Wei-Wei LIU obtained MD and PhD at Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, P. R. China in 1994 and 2002, respectively. He worked in Prince of Wales Hospital of Chinese University of HongKong ...
Dr. Yanfeng Chen has extensive experience in clinical treatment for Head and Neck Cancer.
Dr. Hao Li has extensive experience in diagnosing, developing comprehensive treatment for head and neck cancer and repair therapy for head and neck defects after surgery.
Dr. Qiuli Li has extensive experience in surgical and comprehensive treatment for Head and Neck Cancer, especially in radiotherapy for throat cancer in early stage and repair therapy for head and nec...
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