
The 4th International Meeting on Cancer and Blood Vessels

February 01, 2018

An exciting event of the academic calendar is approaching. The 4th International Meeting on Cancer and Blood Vessels will be held on May 11-12, 2018, in Guangzhou, China.

The International Meeting on Cancer and Blood Vessels (IMCBV) is held every 18 months. The last meeting was successfully held in 2016, Antwerp, Belgium. Building on the positive momentum of last meeting we will be focusing on “delivering the latest advances and increasing international scientific exchange.”

Co-organized and sponsored by Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangdong Provincial Anticancer Association, Cancer Communications and Guangzhou Concord Cancer Hospital, the conference promises to be another exciting event of the academic calendar. As part of your attendance we will bring together a vibrant international community of scholars for creative exchange to highlight some of the very latest discoveries, progress and research on cancer and blood vessels.

We look forward to receiving your registrations and seeing you in Guangzhou. For more information about the speakers or to register please click on the image below.

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