- Name: Yuan Zhang
- Title: Associate Professor
- Email: zhangyuan@sysucc.org.cn
- Phone:
MS Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Oncology (2016)
PhD Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Oncology (2019)
1. Zhang Y# (first author), et al. Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Induction Chemotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2019; 381(12):1124-1135.
2. Zhang Y# (first author), et al. Final Overall Survival Analysis of Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Induction Chemotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Multicenter, Randomized Phase III Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2022; 40(22):2420-2425.
3. Liu X# , Zhang Y# (joint first author), et al. Characteristics of Radiotherapy Trials Compared With Other Oncological Clinical Trials in the Past 10 Years. JAMA Oncol. 2018; 4(8):1073-1079.
4. Zhang Y# (first author), et al. Induction gemcitabine and cisplatin in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer Commun (Lond). 2019; 39(1):39.
5. Zhang Y# (first author), et al. Spontaneous remission of residual post-therapy plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA and its prognostic implication in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A large-scale, big-data intelligence platform-based analysis. Int J Cancer. 2019; 144(9):2313-2319.
6. Zhang Y# (first author) , et al. Nomogram to predict the benefit of additional induction chemotherapy to concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Analysis of a multicenter, phase III randomized trial. Radiother Oncol. 2018;129(1):18-22.
7. Liu X# ,... , Zhang Y* (corresponding author) . Differential benefit of induction chemotherapy according to body mass index in nasopharyngeal carcinoma – Pooled analysis of two randomized trials. Oral Oncol. 2022;125:105718.
8. Zhang Y# (first author) , Zhang ZC# , Li WF, Liu X, Liu Q, Ma J * . Prognosis and staging of parotid lymph node metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: An analysis in 10,126 patients. Oral Oncol. 2019; 95:150-156.
9. Li XM# , ..., Zhang Y* (joint corresponding author) , Ma J * . The immune modulation effects of gemcitabine plus cisplatin induction chemotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer Med. 2022; 11(18):3437-3444.