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Name: Jinping Liu
Title: Principal Investigator, Professor
Email: liujp@sysucc.org.cn

Results-driven, detailed-oriented scientist with extensive scientific expertise in interdisciplinary fields and comprehensive analysis to search for tailored immune-genomic therapies in biomarker-driven HCC. A proven leader with strong project management, problem solving skills, development abilities and a desire to achieve success. Excellent communicator demonstrating strong interpersonal skills. 


My research interest is to understand how pathological and non-pathological-based infections are wired into host genetic contexts to shape the immune defenses, leading to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) predisposition, and therapeutic responses.


2022-present, Principal Investigator, Cancer Center / Sun Yat-sen University, China 

2019-2022, Senior Research Investigator, Perelman School of Medicine/ UPenn, U.S.   

2013-2019, Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute (NCI) /NIH, U.S 


1. Liu J, Cheng L, El-Mekkoussi H, Assenmacher CA, Lee MYY, Jaffe DR, Garvin-Darby K, Morgan A, Manduchi E, Schug J, Kaestner KH. Advanced precision modeling reveals divergent responses of hepatocellular carcinoma to combinatorial immunotherapy.  Cancer Communications. 2023, 132. (IF: 15)

2. Doliba NM, Rozo AV, Roman J, Qin W, Traum D, Gao L, Liu J, Manduchi E, Liu C, Golson ML, Vahedi G, Naji A, Matschinsky FM, Atkinson MA, Powers AC, Brissova M, Kaestner KH, Stoffers DA. α Cell dysfunction in islets from nondiabetic, glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody–positive individuals. JCI. 2022, 132. (IF: 19)

3. Dmitrieva-Posocco O, Wong AC, Lundgren P, Golos AM, Descamps HC, Dohnalová L, Cramer Z, Tian Y, Yueh B, Eskiocak O, Egervari G, Lan Y, Liu J, Fan J, Kim J, Madhu B, Schneider KM, Khoziainova S, Andreeva N, Wang Q, Li N, Furth EE, Bailis W, Kelsen JR, Hamilton KE, Kaestner KH, Berger SL, Epstein JA, Jain R, Li M, Beyaz S, Lengner CJ, Katona BW, Grivennikov SI, Thaiss CA, Levy M. β-Hydroxybutyrate suppresses colorectal cancer. Nature. 2022, 605. (IF: 69)

4.  Fasolino M*, Schwartz GW*, Golson ML, Wang YJ, Morgan A, Liu C, Schug J, Liu J, Wu M, Traum D, Kondo A, May CL, Goldman N, Wang W, the HPAP Consortium, Feldman M, Moore JH, Japp AS, Betts MR, Faryabi RB, Naji A#,  Kaestner KH#, Vahedi G#, Multiomics Single-cell Analysis of Human Pancreatic Islets Reveals Novel Cellular States in Health and Type 1 Diabetes, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Metabolism. 2022, 4. (*Contributed equally, #Co-responding) (IF: 12)

5. Liu J*, Tang W*, Budhu A, Forgues M, Hernandez M, Candia J,  Kim Y, Bowman E, Ambs S, Zhao Y, Tran B, Wu X, Kula T, Li ZM, Elledge JS, Koh C, Surana P, Liang JT, Guarnera M, Mann D, Rajaure M, Greten TF, Wang Z, Yu H, Wang XW. A Viral Exposure Signature Defines Early-Onset of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cell. 2020,182. (*Contributed equally) (IF: 67)

6. Liu J, Dang H, Wang XW. The Significance of Intertumor and Intratumor Heterogeneity in Liver Cancer. Experimental & Molecular Medicine. 2018, 50. (IF: 11)

7. Liu JKruswick ADang HTran ADKwon SMWang XWOberdoerffer PUbiquitin-specific Protease 21 Stabilizes BRCA2 to Control DNA Repair and Tumor Growth. Nature Communications. 2017,137. (IF: 17)

8. Liu J*, Luo S*, Zhao HLiao JLi JYang CXu BStern DFXu X#, Ye K#. Structural Mechanism of the Phosphorylation-dependent Dimerization of MDC1 Forkhead-associated Domain. Nucleic Acids Research. 2012, 40(9): 3898-912. (Featured article) (*Contributed equally, #Corresponding) (IF: 19)



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