Our Experts

Name: Zhang Ji
Title: Associate chief physician
Email: zhangji@sysucc.org.cn

Dr. Zhang is an associate chief physician of Department of Neurosurgery of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Dr Zhang has been engaged in neurosurgical practice since2006. Dr. Zhang attained his Medical Degree at WesternChina Hospital of Sichuan University in2013. he is amember ofeight academic Societies in neurosurgical field in china. Dr. Zhang specializes in microsurgery and multimodality treatment for tumors in central nervous system. Dr. Zhang's clinical interests include modification of conventional manipulation and cognition in his career. Dr Zhang hold a new practical invention patent in china. More than 40 papers have been published in leading scientific journals at home and abroad, including Nature Cancer, Science Advances, et al.


Regulation of immune microenvironment in glioma


Medical Degree at WesternChina Hospital of Sichuan University

1.Siglec-9 acts as an immune-checkpoint molecule on macrophages in glioblastoma, restricting T-cell priming and immunotherapy response. Nat Cancer. 2023 Jul 17. 
2.Single-cell transcriptome-based multilayer network biomarker for predicting prognosis and therapeutic response of gliomas. Briefings in Bioinformatics.2020;21(3):1080-1097.

3.Interrogating glioma-M2 macrophage interactions identifies Gal-9/Tim-3 as a viable target against PTEN-null glioblastoma. Sci Adv. 2022;8(27):eabl5165.

Updated by International Office, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

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