Our Experts

Name: Yuanyuan Huang
Title: Associate Chief Physician
Email: huangyuany1@sysucc.org.cn

Prof. Yuanyuan Huang is the deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has received funding from National Natural Science Foundation and participated in more than ten provincially or municipally funded research projects.

Academic Appointments
Director of Zhang Bei’s Studio of the Nationally Renowned Expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Director of Zhang Bei’s Studio of the Provincially Renowned Expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Member of Youth Oncologists Committee, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Vice Chairman of Youth Oncologists Committee, Guangdong Association of the Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine
Member and Secretary of Traditional Chinese Medicine Committee, Guangdong Provincial Anticancer Association
Member of Palliative Cancer Care Committee, Guangdong Association of the Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine
Member of Cancer Prevention and Treatment Committee, Guangdong Health Management Association
Member of the Professional Committee of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Management, Guangdong Hospital Association
Member of Comprehensive Cancer Treatment Committee, Guangdong Precision Medicine Application Association
Director of Pharmaceutical Achievements Transformation and Application Committee, Guangdong Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management Association

Updated by International Office, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

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