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Name: Cheng Xu
Title: Associate Senior Physician, Advisor of Master's Degree students
Email: xucheng@sysucc.org.cn

Dr. Cheng Xu is currently an associate senior physician of Radiation Oncology in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, State KeyLaboratory of Oncology in South China, Guangzhou, China. His research mainlyfocused on individualized treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. He haspublished more than 20 peer-reviewed papers, including some papers in renownedjournals such as BMJ, Int J Cancer, Radiother Oncol, JAMA Netw Open, and IntRev Immunol.


The research focus of Dr. Cheng Xu isprecision medicine and comprehensive treatment (eg., chemoradiotherapy andimmunotherapy) of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Design and conduct of phase Ito III clinical trials in the field of NPC (e.g., NCT03984357, NCT04907370) andrelevant translational medicineand retrospective studies.


09/2016-06/2018, Medical Doctor,Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

09/2010-09/2016, Bachelor's, SunYat-sen University, Guangzhou, China


1.    Xu C (first author) #, Chen YP #, DuXJ #, Liu JQ #, Huang CL, Chen L, Zhou GQ, Li WF, Mao YP, Hsu C, Liu Q, Lin AH,Tang LL, Sun Y, Ma J*. Comparative safety of immune checkpoint inhibitors incancer: systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ. 2018; 363:k4226. (IF 39.9)

2.    Xu C (first author) #, ZhangS#, ZhangY#, TangSQ, Fang XL, Zhu GL, Peng L, Liu JQ, Mao YP, Tang LL, Liu Q, Lin AH, Sun Y, MaJ*. Evolvinglandscape and academic attitudes toward the controversies of globalimmuno-oncology trials. Int J Cancer. 2021;149(1):108-118. (IF 7.4)

3.    Xu C (first author) #, Zhang Y #, Chen L #, Li WF #,Tang SQ, Tang LL, Guo Y, Liu Q, Lin AH, Sun Y, Ma J*. Association betweenoutcome disparities and pragmatic features related to clinical trial andreal-world settings in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A population-basedretrospective cohort study, 2006-2016. Radiother Oncol. 2020;151:306-313. (IF 6.3)

4.    Xu C (first author) #, ZhangS, Zhu GL#, YangKB, Zhang Y, Mao YP, Tang LL, Liu Q, Huang Y*, Ma J*. Disparities in positive resultsand dissemination of randomized controlled trials in immuno-oncology. Int Rev Immunol. 2022. Proof. DOI: 10.1080/08830185.2022.2088744. (IF 5.3)

5.    Xu C (first author) #, Sun R#, Tang LL #, Chen L, Li WF, Mao YP, Zhou GQ, Guo R, Lin AH, Sun Y, Ma J*, HuWH*. Role of sequential chemoradiotherapy in stage II and low-risk stage III-IVnasopharyngeal carcinoma in the era of intensity-modulated radiotherapy: Apropensity score-matched analysis. Oral Oncol. 2018; 78: 37-45. (IF 5.3)

6.    Xu C (first author) #, Chen YP#, Liu X #, Li WF, Chen L, Mao YP, Zhang Y, Guo R, Zhou GQ, Tang LL, Lin AH,Sun Y, Ma J*. Establishing and applying nomograms based on the 8th edition ofthe UICC/AJCC staging system to select patients with nasopharyngeal carcinomawho benefit from induction chemotherapy plus concurrent chemoradiotherapy. OralOncol. 2017; 69: 99-107. (IF 5.3)

7.    Xu C (first author) #, Chen YP#, Liu X #, Tang LL, Chen L, Mao YP, Zhang Y, Guo R, Zhou GQ, Li WF, Lin AH,Sun Y, Ma J*. Socioeconomic factors and survival in patients withnon-metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 2017;108: 1253-62. (IF 6.7)

8.    Xu C (first author) #, Yang SP#, Zhang Y #, Tang LL, Zhou GQ, Liu X, Mao YP, Guo R, Li WF, Chen L, Lin AH,Sun Y, Ma J*. Neutropenia during the First Cycle of Induction Chemotherapy IsPrognostic for Poor Survival in Locoregionally Advanced NasopharyngealCarcinoma: A Real-World Study in an Endemic Area. Cancer Res Treat. 2018;50: 777-90. (IF 4.9)

9.    Xu C (first author) #, Yang KB#, Feng RJ#, Chen L, Du XJ, Mao YP, Li WF,Liu Q, Sun Y, Ma J*. Radiotherapy interruption due to holidays adverselyaffects the survival of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a jointanalysis based on large-scale retrospective data and clinical trials. RadiatOncol. 2022;17(1):36. (IF3.5)

10.  Chen ZH#,Yang KB#, Zhang YZ#, Wu CF, Wen DW, Lv JW, Zhu GL, Du XJ, Chen L, Zhou GQ, LiuQ, Sun Y, Ma J, Xu C (corresponding author)*, Lin L*. Assessment ofModifiable Factors for the Association of Marital Status With Cancer-SpecificSurvival. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(5):e2111813. (IF 8.5)

Last updated: June 2022 by International Office, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center


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