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Name: Lujun Shen
Title: Associate chief physician
Email: shenlj@sysucc.org.cn
Dr. Lujun Shen completed M.D. degree of clinical medicine (8-year program) in Sun Yat-sen University (China) in 2015. He is working in the department of minimally invasive therapy, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Through his M.D. study at Sun Yat-sen University and thereafter, he have been doing research in the fields of “developing novel methodology and computational tools for cancer prognosis prediction” and “Minimally invasive interventional therapies for cancer”, with a series of research published in the past 5 years as first author, including in Nature Communications, Radiology, Cancers, etc. 

1. Dynamic prognostication and treatment of cancer using big data. 

2. Enhancing efficacy of immunotherapy through local modulation.


Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU), Major GPA: 3.6/5.0      

Sept. 2007-July, 2015 Clinical Medicine (8-year-program)


1.Shen L#,Chen Q#, Yang C#, Wu Y#, Yuan H, Chen S, Ou S, Jiang Y, Huang T, Ke L,Mo J,Feng Z, Zhou P, Fan W. Role of PRDM1 in Tumor Immunity and Drug Response: APan-Cancer Analysis. FrontPharmacol. 2020 Dec 15;11:593195.

2.Shen L#,Qi H#, Chen S#, Cao F#, Xie L, Wu Y, Ma W, Song Z, Yuan H, Zhang T, Li D, WenX, Chen Q, Li W, Zhang X, Fan W. Cryoablation combined with transarterialinfusion of pembrolizumab (CATAP) for liver metastases of melanoma: anambispective, proof-of-concept cohort study. CancerImmunol Immunother. 2020 Sep;69(9):1713-1724.

3. Shen L,Chen S, Qiu Z, Qi H, Yuan H, Cao F, Xie L, Chen Q, Li W, Fan W. Transarterialchemoembolization combined with apatinib versus transarterial chemoembolizationalone for hepatocellular carcinoma with macroscopic vascular invasion: Apropensity score matching analysis. JCancer Res Ther. 2020 Sep;16(5):1063-1068. doi:10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_801_19.

4.Shen L#,Zeng Q#, Guo P#, Huang J#, Li C, Pan T, Chang B, Wu N, Yang L, Chen Q, Huang T,Li W*, Wu P*. Dynamically prognosticating patients with hepatocellularcarcinoma through survival paths mapping based on time-series data. Nat Commun. 2018 Jun 8;9(1):2230

5.Shen L#,Xi M#, Zhao L, Zhang X, Wang X, Huang Z, Chen Q, Zhang T, Shen J, Liu M, HuangJ. Combination Therapy after TACE for Hepatocellular Carcinoma with MacroscopicVascular Invasion: Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy versus Sorafenib. Cancers (Basel). 2018 Dec14;10(12).

6.Shen LJ#,Wang L#, Wang SY, Xie GF, Zeng Q, Shi F, Zhang Y, Wu M, Shu WH, Pan CC, Xia YF,Wu PH*. Imaging-based multi-level subdivision of M1 category in TNM stagingsystem for metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Radiology.2016 Sep; 280(3):805-14

Updated November 2021 by International Office, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

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