Our Experts

Name: Xin Mingzhu
Title: Vice Director of Nursing Division, Chief Superintendent Nurse
Email: xinmzh@sysucc.org
Ms. Xin is a vice director of the Nursing Division, with rich experience in oncology nursing. She is also the chairman of the Tumor Nursing Professional Committee of Guangdong Anti-cancer Association and the president of Oncology Nursing Branch of Guangdong Nurses Association. She led the venous therapy team to carry out various technologies and is engaged in related research, which obtained fruitful achievements.
Oncologic nursing, nursing management and infusion nursing.    
Master of Nursing, National University of Singapore, 2016-2017

Bachelor of Nursing, Sun Yat-sen University, China, 1986-1990

Updated by International Office, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

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