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Name: Li An Hua
Title: Professor
Email: liah@sysucc.org.cn

Dr. Li An Hua is professor and director of the ultrasound department in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. Dr. Li obtained her Bachelor in Medicine in China in 1982 and MSc degree in England in 2001. She acts as a express into Sun Yat-sen University in 2003, From that, she is working on ultrasound diagnosis and interventional treatment of tumors. 

In clinical practice, she focus on diagnosis those lesions exactly of breast, thyroid, liver, lymph node and so on. Include image guide biopsy. In clinical research practice, she interest in contrast imaging with ultrasound contrast agent and quantification analysis with perfusion imaging of tumor. In department manage practice, she pay attention to help young doctors and new technology of imaging into clinical practice. Dr.Li has published more than 90 research papers..


1. Zhou JH , Cao LH ,Zheng W, Liu M, Han F, Li AHContrast-Enhanced Gray-Scale Ultrasound for Quantitative Evaluation of Tumor Response to Chemotherapy: Preliminary Results With a Mouse Hepatoma Model AJR: 196,January 2011 13-17 (Americal Journal of Roentgenoloy)

2.Zhou JH ,Zheng W, Cao LH, Liu M, Luo RZ, Han f, Wu PH. Li AHOuantitative evaluation of viable tissue perfusion changes with congtrast-enhanced grayscale ultrasound in s mouse hepatoma model following treatment with different doses of thalidomide. Br J Radiol 2011 Jan 11 [Epub ahead of print]

3. Xiao Qing Pei, Long Zhong Liu, Wei Zheng, , Mu Yan Cai, Feng Han, Jie Hua He, An Hua Li, and Min Shan Chen, Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography of hepatocellular carcinoma: Correlation between quantitative parameters and arteries in neoangiogenesis or sinusoidal capillarization European Journal Radiology ,23 Feb 2011

4 Lin X, Wang J, Han F, Fu J, Li AH.Analysis of eighty-one cases with breast lesions using automated breast volume scanner and comparison with handheld ultrasound. Eur J Radiol. 2011 Mar 18. [Epub ahead of print]

5. Zhou JH ,Zheng W, Cao LH, Liu M, Luo RZ, Han f, Wu PH. Li AH Quantitative Assessment of Tumor Blood Flow in Mice after Treatemnt with Different Doses of an Antiangiogenic Agent with Contrast-enhanced Destraction-Replenishment US.. Raiology 2011 Vol 259.Num 2 406-413

6. Zhou JH ,Zheng W, Cao LH, Liu M, Luo RZ, Han f, Wu PH. Li AHContrast-enhanced ultrasonic parametric perfusion imaging in the evaluation of antiangiogenic tumor treatment.Eur J radiology2011 Feb21,[Epub ahead of print]

7 .Jianhua Zhou Wei Zheng Anhua Li et al: Antiangiogenic Tumor Treatment :Noninvasive Monitoring with Contrast Pulse Sequence Imaging for Contrast-Enhanced Grayscale Ultrasound. Academic Radiology, 2010,17(5):646-51

8. J H ZHOU, MD, 1A H LI, MD,Haemodynamic parameters of the hepatic artery and vein can detect liver metastases: assessment using contrast-enhanced ultrasound,The British Journal of Radiology, 81 (2008), 113–119 

9. Ming-de Lu, Xiao-ling Yu, An-hua Li, et al.(Multiple center clinical trail of China)Comparison of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and Contrast Enhanced CT or MRI in Monitoring Percutaneous Thermal Ablation Procedure in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multi-Center Study in ChinaUltrasound in Medicine & Biology, Volume 33, Issue 11, November 2007, 1736-174


1. Li Anhua. Echocaidiography. Medical Imaging and Clinical, Feng gansheng, (Editor), The Hubei Science and Technology Press., 1994.

2. Li Anhua, Ocular sonography in children. Children Ultrasonic Diagnosis. Xia Bei (Editor), The Peoper’s Health Press, 20003. Li Anhua (Editor) , Breast ultrasonography, The Peoper’s Health Press (furture). 2004

Last Updated on: 2011 by International Office, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

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