Our Experts

Name: Wen Zhesheng
Title: Chief physician, Professor and advisor of master's degree student

Dr. Wen has many years of experiences in thoracic surgical treatment, teaching and scientific searches, obtaining profound achievements in comprehensive clinical management and surgical treatment of lung cancer, esophagus cancer and breast cancer, especially early screening and diagnosis of lung cancer.

Work experience
07/1987-08/1991: Served as a surgeon at Department of Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Jiujiang Medical School

07/1994-08/2000: Served as an attending physician at Department of Surgery of Guangzhou Chest Hospital

2003-present: Work at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

09/1982-07/1987: Studied at School of Clinical Department, former Jiangxi Medical College

09/1991-06/1994: Studied at Surgery of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences for a master's degree

09/2000-06/2003: Studied Oncology at Sun Yat-sen University for a doctoral degree

10/2000-08/2002: Studied on analgesic-antitumor peptide in Japan


Updated by International Office, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center

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