Our Experts

Name: Bao Yong
Title: Associate chief physician
Email: baoyong@sysucc.org.cn

Dr. Bao Yong graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine at former Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences in July 2000 and has since then worked in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. He received a master's degree in July 2006. He has been engaged in the clinical practice and clinical research in combination therapy of radiation therapy and chemotherapy for thoracic cancer (especially for lung cancer, esophagus cancer and mediastinal tumor). He has taken charge of theory teaching and clinical teaching for physicians studying further from various regions for years and has participated in the instruction for common cases and consultations for difficult cases in associate organizations at all levels. He has ever participated in the compilation of books such as Minimal Invasive Treatment and Multidisciplinary Compositive Treatment of Liver Cancer and Practical Clinical Radiation Oncology.

He has published over 20 papers and abstracts on SCI journals and Chinese core journals, 11 of which were published with him as the lead author and corresponding author. He has acted as the person in charge and participant of several projects of multi-centric clinical work in and outside of China. He was in charge of one project of Health Department of Guangdong Province and has participated in the research of eight projects at provincial and ministerial level. He was awarded the Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China in 2009 and was awarded the Second Prize of Excellent Papers on the Pan-Pearl River Area Conference on Radiation Oncology in 2011.


Last Updated on: July 2014

Combination therapy of radiation therapy and chemotherapy for thoracic cancer

[1] Yong Bao, ShiLiang Liu, QiChao Zhou, et al. Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy for postoperative recurrence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: clinical efficacy and failure pattern. Radiation Oncology. 2013; 2013,8:241.[2] Wang Y, Bao Y(Bao Yong, both as lead authors), Zhang L, et al. Assessment of respiration-induced motion and its impact on treatment outcome for lung cancer. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:872739. [3] Chen M, Bao Y(Bao Yong, both as lead authors), Ma HL, et al. Involved-field radiotherapy versus elective nodal irradiation in combination with concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a prospective randomized study. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:371819. [4] Hu X, Bao Y(Bao Yong, both as lead authors), Zhang L, et al. Omitting elective nodal irradiation and irradiating postinduction versus preinduction chemotherapy tumor extent for limited-stage small cell lung cancer: interim analysis of a prospective randomized noninferiority trial. Cancer. 2012;118(1):278-287.[5] Peng F, Xu Z, Wang J, Chen Y, Li Q, Zuo Y, Chen J, Hu X, Zhou Q, Wang Y, Ma H, Bao Y*(Bao Yong, all as corresponding authors), Chen M*. Recombinant human endostatin normalizes tumor vasculature and enhances radiation response in xenografted human nasopharyngeal carcinoma models. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e34646. [6] Chen M, Bao Y(Bao Yong, both as lead authors), Ma HL, et al. Involved-Field Radiotherapy versus Elective Nodal Irradiation in Combination with Concurrent Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Prospective Randomized Study. Biomed Res Int 2013;2013:371819.[7] Wang Y, Bao Y(Bao Yong, both as lead authors), Zhang L, et al. Assessment of Respiration-Induced Motion and Its Impact on Treatment Outcome for Lung Cancer. Biomed Res Int 2013;2013: 872739.[8] Wang J, Zhuang TT, He ZC, Peng F, Ma HL, Zhou QC, Zhang L, He ZY, Bao Y*, Deng XW, Chen M. Severe acute radiation pneumonitis after concurrent chemoradiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2012; 21(4):326-329.[9] Bao Y, Zhuang TT, Wang WH, et al. Toxicity of concurrent chemoradiotherapy and consolidation chemotherapy with docetaxel and cisplatin in stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer:a phase Ⅰ trial. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2009; 18(5):362-366.[10] Bao Y, Wang WH, Huang XY, et al. Clinical verification of the accuracy of quantitative diaphragmatic dome movement on four-dimensional CT scan and the stabilization of respiratory movement before and after radiotherappy. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2007; 16(4):302-305.[11] Bao Y, Chen M*, Wang WH, et al. The definition and delineation of lymph nodes regions of lung cancer on CT transections. China Oncology. 2006; 16(6):467-471.Not as the lead author:[12] Chen M, Chen YY, Bao Y(Bao Yong), et al. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by late-course accelerated hyperfractionated radiation therapy for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: the long-term results of a phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ clinical trial. Clinical Lung Cancer. 2005; 6(5):304-309.[13] Wang J, Bao Y, Zhuang TT, et al. Study on prediction models for severe acute radiation pneumonitis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer after concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2013;22(6):455-459.[14] Zhou QC, Bao Y, Yu ZH, et al. A prospective phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ study of recombinant endostatin (Endostar) combined with concurrent radio-chemotherapy in patients with unresectable stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2012;21(6):500-503.[15] Ma HL, Bao Y, Hu X, et al. Involved-field radiotherapy versus elective nodal irradiation in combination with concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a prospective randomized clinical study. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2012;21(4):315-320.[16] Wang Y, Bao Y, Zhang L, et al. Four-dimensional computed tomography based assessment and analysis of lung tumor motion during free-breathing respiration. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2010;19(1):40-43.[17] Hu X, Bao Y, Zhang L, et al. A prospective randomized study of the radiotherapy volume for limited-stage small cell lung cancer: a preliminary report. Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer. 2010;13(7):691-699.[18] Zhuang TT, Bao Y, Chen YY, et al. Radiation therapy and concomitant weekly paclitaxel for locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a phase Ⅱ trial. China Cancer. 2009;18(5):405-408.[19] Hu X, Bao Y, Chen YY, et al. Efficacy of chemotherapy combined hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy on limited small cell lung cancer. Chinese Journal of Cancer. 2008;27(10):1088-1093.[20] Wang WH, Bao Y, Chen M*, et al. Results of induction chemotherapy followed by three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy and con current weekly paclitaxel for stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2008;17(4):252-256.[21] Li KX, Bao Y, Liu H, et al. Evaluation of differences on gross tumor volume delineation in radiotherapy for lung cancer. Journal of Chinese Oncology. 2008;14(7):506-562.[22] He H, Bao Y, Zhang L, et al. Internal target volumes determined with maximum intensity projection(MIP) fused images of four-dimensional CT(4DCT) in lung cancer. China Cancer. 2007;16(4):267-271.[23] Wang WH, Bao Y, Chen M*, et al. Initial outcome of induction chemotherapy with weekly paclitaxel followed by three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy and concurrent weekly paclitaxel for stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer. Chinese Journal of Cancer. 2006;25(10):1279-1283.[24] Sun ZW, Huang XY, Bao Y, et al. Four-dimensional CT in the study of lung volume and respiratory movement. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology. 2008;17(6):437-440.[25] Li JY, Wang Y, Bao Y, et al. The clinical value of full-field digital mammography and color Doppler flow imaging in diagnosis of the mass in the breast. Modern Hospital. 2011;11(9):12-14.[26] Wu SX, Deng ML*, Bao Y, et al. Therapeutic analysis of stereotactic radiotherapy for 39 patients with lung metastasis. Chinese Journal of Cancer. 2006;25(7):880-884.1. Conference Papers[1] Chen M*, Peng F, Xu ZM, Wang J, Bao Y(Bao Yong), et al. Recombinant human endostatin normalizes tumor vasculature and alleviates hypoxia in lewis lung carcinomas. J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6(6):S926-S927.[2] Chen M*, Bao Y(Bao Yong), Zhou QC, et al. A prospective phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ study of recombinant endostatin (endostar) combined with concurrent chemoradiotherapy in patients with unresectable stage iii non-small cell lung cancer: A preliminary report. J Thorac Oncol. 2011;6(6):S1571-S1572.[3] Bao Y(Bao Yong), Zhuang TT, Hu X, et al. Docetaxel plus cisplatin concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by the same regimen consolidation in unresectable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer - Result of a phase I Trial. J Thorac Oncol. 2009;4(9):S939-S940.[4] Sun ZW, Huang XY, Chen YY, Bao Y(Bao Yong), et al. The study of lung volume and respiratory movement based on four-dimensional CT. J Thorac Oncol. 2009;4(9):S940-S940.[5] Wang Y, Bao Y(Bao Yong), He H, et al. Four-dimensional computed tomography based assessment and analysis of lung tumor mobility during free breathing respiration. J Thorac Oncol. 2009;4(9):S940-S940.[6] Zhuang TT, Bao Y(Bao Yong), Huang SM, et al. Prediction of acute radiation pneumonitis after concurrent chemoradiotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer patients. J Thorac Oncol. 2009;4(9):S940-S940.[7] Bao Y, Wang WH, Huang XY, et al. A feasibility study on the application of four-dimensional CT(4DCT) mock positioning system to thoracic radiation therapy. Collection of papers on the Second Seminar on Chinese Modern Medicine Research Method and Interdisciplinary Innovation: p68-70.[8] Chen M, Bao Y, Wang WH. Stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer chemoradiotherapy strategy and implementation -- Experience of Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center in the past six years. Collection of papers on the Second Seminar on Chinese Modern Medicine Research Method and Interdisciplinary Innovation: p70-73.2. Monographes:[1] Bao Y. Minimal Invasive Treatment and Multidisciplinary Compositive Treatment of Liver Cancer (Chapter 7, The effect of superconduction argon-helium cryotherapy in minimal invasive treatment and multidisciplinary compositive treatment of liver cancer), Military Medical Science Press, 2400 words, 2003.[2] Bao Y, Chen M. Practical Clinical Radiation Oncology (Chapter 26, Mediastinal tumor), Sun Yat-sen University Press, 10,000 words, 2005.

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