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Name: Huang Hong-Bing
Title: Deputy Director, Chief Pharmacist, Supervisor of Master degree students
Email: huanghb@sysucc.org.cn

Hong-Bing Huang is the chief pharmacist and director of the Department of Pharmacy. He obtained his Bachelor Degree of Pharmacy at Guangdong Pharmaceutical University and Master at Sun Yat-sen University, P. R. China in 1990 and 2001, respectively. He is a supervisor of master degree students in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Sun Yat-sen University. His major research interests focus on personalized use of anti tumor drugs and effect of genetic polymorphisms and activities of CYP450 enzymes on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anti tumor drugs. At the same time, he is the principle investigate of five research funds including the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province, China (No. 2012B020306001 and 2009B030801160). 

He has published 4 papers at peer reviewed SCI journals such as Br J Pharmacol and J Int Med Res. He serves as the senior member of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and several other member of pharmaceutical organizations. Also, he is the editor of several Chinese journals such as China Pharmacy, Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Pharmacy Today, and so on.

Personalized use of anti tumor drugs, pharmaceutical dosage form transformation.

Bachelor Degree of Pharmacy at Guangdong Pharmaceutical University,1986.09-1990.06

Master Degree of Pharmacy at Sun Yat-sen University, 1998.09-2001.06    


1. Wang Y, Huang HB*, Zeng Y, Wu J, Wang R, Ren B, Xu F. Pharmacist-led medication education in cancer pain control: a multicentre randomized controlled study in Guangzhou, China. J Int Med Res. 2013 Oct;41(5):1462-72.

2. Huang HB*, Pan Y, Liu T. S Shanghai eye treatment outbreak: bevacizumab therapy for AMD in China. Clin Exp Optom. 2013 Jan;96(1):106-8

3. Yang G, Zhang Y, Xiong J, Wu J, Yang C, Huang HB*, Zhu Z. Downregulation of Id1 by small interfering RNA in gastric cancer inhibits cell growth via the Akt pathway. Mol Med Rep. 2012 Apr;5(4):1075-9.

4. Zhou WJ, Zhang X, Cheng C, Wang F, Wang XK, Liang YJ, To KK, Zhou W, Huang HB*, Fu LW. Crizotinib (PF-02341066) reverses multidrug resistance in cancer cells by inhibiting the function of P-glycoprotein. Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Jul;166(5):1669-83.

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