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Name: Wang Hui-Yun
Title: Professor, Director of Lab. of Bionomics and Tumor Marker
Email: wanghyun@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Dr. Hui-Yun Wang is a professor in Basic Oncology and Director of Laboratory of Bionomics and Tumor Marker, State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. He obtained his Bachelor in Medicine (equivalent to MD in the US) at Hengyang Medical College in 1982, and PhD at Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), China, in 1997, when he was appointed as Vice Director of Department of Tumor Pathology, Cancer Institute, SUMS. In 1990’s, he proposed and implemented the project "Locating and Cloning of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Susceptibility Gene", which result was published in Nature Genetics (2002). Then, he got his postdoctoral training at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 2000 – 2003, and then he was promoted to Adjunct Assistant Professor. During the period, he developed a novel microarray technology consisting of over 1000 multiplex PCR and single-base extension assay, which can genotype SNPs from one single sperm and profile gene expression on one single cell, which was published in Genome Research (2005). In Match 2007, he returned to the Sun Yat-Sen University as a professor of the “Hundred Talent Plan”. Since then, he developed various microarrays, including SNP array, microRNA array, gene array, lncRNA array and protein array. With these microarrays, he explored several kinds of tumors including hepatocellular carcinoma (Clin Cancer Res, 2013) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Lancet Oncology, 2012). Dr. Wang has published more than 70 research papers.

1) Molecular Cancer Genetics: With high-throughput methods, Prof. Wang study the effects of alterations of molecular genetics in cancer, including loss of heterozygosity, DNA copy number change and DNA mutation, on cancer development and progression, and identify oncogenes and tumor suppressors, which are significantly associated with diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of cancer patients. 

2) Cancer epigenetics: With the custom miRNA and lncRNA microarrays, Prof. Wang have profiled or have been profiling miRNA and lncRNA expressions in cancer and identify the expression signatures associated with diagnosis, therapeutic response and prognosis of cancer patients. He also studies the biological functions and targets of key miRNAs as well as molecular mechanism of lncRNAs in carcinogenesis. 

3) Tumor Serum marker: With the custom miRNA, lncRNA and EBV protein microarrays, Prof. Wang detects serum miRNA, lncRNA and anti-EBV antibody levels in cancer patients and identify the serum biomarkers for diagnosis, therapeutic response, recurrence, metastasis and prognosis in cancer patients, which will provide new and non-invasive approaches for clinical practice.


1978.03–1982.12: Bachelor in Medicine (equivalent to MD), Hengyang Medical College, Hunan Province, China. 

1987.09–1990.06: Master of Science in Basic Oncology, Graduate School, SUMS, Guangzhou, China

1993.09–1997.11: Ph.D. in Basic Oncology, Graduate School, SUMS, Guangzhou, China

2000.02–2002.09: Postdoctoral Follow, the Cancer Institute of New Jersey/Dept. of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, UMDNJ, New Jersey, USA.


1.         Zheng HQ, Sheng MH, Cha YL, Li WY,Blanco MA, Ren GG, Zhou TH, Storz P, Wang HY, Kang YB. PKD1phosphorylation-dependent degradation of SNAIL by SCF-FBXO11 regulatesepithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis. Cancer Cell, 2014 (inpress).

2.         PengHS, Liao MB, Zhang MY, Xie Y, Xu L, Zhang YJ, Zheng XF, Wang HY (co-corresponding), Chen YF. Synergistic inhibitoryeffect of hyperbaric oxygen combined with sorafenib on hepatoma cells. PLoSOne. 2014 Jun 23; 9(6): e100814.

3.         HeL, Wang HY (co-corresponding), Zhang L, Huang L, Li JD, Xiong Y,Zhang MY, Jia WH, Yun JP, Luo RZ, Zheng M. Prognostic significance of low DICERexpression regulated by miR-130a in cervical cancer. Cell Death Dis. 2014 May1; 5:e1205.

4.         XieY, Wei RR, Huang GL, Zhang MY, Yuan YF, WangHY. Checkpoint kinase 1 is negatively regulated by miR-497 inhepatocellular carcinoma. Med Oncol. 2014 Mar; 31(3):844. Epub2014 Jan 25.

5.         ZhangJX, Song W, Chen ZH, Wei JH, Liao YJ, Lei J, Hu M, Chen GZ, Liao B, Lu J, ZhaoHW, Chen W, He YL, Wang HY,Xie D, Luo JH. Prognostic and predictive value of a microRNA signature in stageII colon cancer: a microRNA expression analysis. Lancet Oncol. 2013 Dec; 14(13):1295-306.[Epub 2013 Nov 12]

6.         YangQ, Luo GY, Li Y, Shan HB, Wang HY (co-corresponding), Xu GL. Expression of Rac-1 relatedto tumor depth, lymph node metastasis and patient prognosis in esophagealsquamous cell carcinoma. Med Oncol. 2013 Dec; 30(4):689. Epub2013 Sep 12.

7.         HuangL, Wang HY, Li JD, Wang JH,Zhou Y, Luo RZ, Yun JP, Zhang Y, Jia WH, Zheng M. KPNA2 promotes cellproliferation and tumorigenicity in epithelial ovarian carcinoma throughupregulation of c-Myc and downregulation of FOXO3a. Cell Death Dis. 2013 Aug1;4: e745.

8.         WeiR, Huang GL, Zhang MY, Li BK, Zhang HZ, Shi M, Chen XQ, Huang L, Zhou QM, JiaWH, Zheng XF, Yuan YF, Wang HY.Clinical significance and prognostic value of microRNA expression signatures inhepatocellular carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res, 2013 Sep1;19(17):4780-4791. Epub 2013 Jun 28.

9.         LeiR, Tang J, Zhuang X, Deng R, Li G, Yu J, Liang Y, Xiao J, Wang HY, Yang Q, Hu G. Suppression of MIM by microRNA-182activates RhoA and promotes breast cancer metastasis. Oncogene. 2013 Mar 11.[Epub ahead of print].

10.     YangS, Wang H, Guo Y, Chen S, Zhang MY, Shen J, Yu H, Miao J, Wang HY (co-corresponding), Wei W. RMP Plays Distinct Roles in theProliferation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells and Normal Hepatic Cells. Int JBiol Sci. 2013 Jul 5;9(6):637-48.

11.     ZhangN, Wang X, Huo Q, Li X, Wang H,Schneider P, Hu G, Yang Q. The oncogene metadherin modulates the apoptoticpathway based on the tumor necrosis factor superfamily member TRAIL in breastcancer. J Biol Chem. 2013, 288(13):9396-407. Epub 2013 Feb 13.

12.     LiuN, Cui RX, He QM, Huang BJ, Sun Y, Xie D, Zeng J, Wang HY (co-corresponding), Ma J. Reduced expression ofDicer11 is associated with poor prognosis in patients with nasopharyngealcarcinoma. Med Oncol. 2013 Mar; 30(1):360. doi: 10.1007/s12032-012-0360-3.Epub 2013 Jan 10.

13.     LiuN, Tang LL, Sun Y, Cui RX, Wang HY, HuangBJ, He QM, Jiang W, Ma J. MiR-29c suppresses invasion and metastasis bytargeting TIAM1 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer Lett. 2013 Feb 28;329(2):181-188. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2012.10.032. Epub 2012 Nov 8.

14.     LiPD, Zhang WJ, Zhang MY, Yuan LJ, Cha YL, Ying XF, Wu G, Wang HY. Overexpression of RPS6KB1 predicts worse prognosisin primary HCC patients. Med Oncol. 2012 Dec;29(5):3070-6.  2012 Jun 10 [Epub ahead of print].

15.     Rui-XueCui, Na Liu, Qing-Mei He, Wen-Fei Li, Bi-Jun Huang, Ying Sun, Ling-Long Tang,Mo Chen, Ning Jiang, Lei Chen, Jing-Ping Yun, Jing Zeng, Ying Guo, Hui-Yun Wang (co-corresponding), Jun Ma. Low BRMS1 expressionpromotes nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastasis in vitro and in vivo and isassociated with poor patient survival. BMC Cancer, 2012 Aug 29;12(1):376.doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-376.

16.     Guo-LiangHuang, Bin-Kui Li, Mei-Yin Zhang, Rong-Rong Wei, Yun-Fei Yuan, Ming Shi,Xiao-Qian Chen, Long Huang, Hui-Zhong Zhang, Wanqing Liu, Bi-Jun Huang, HonghuaLi, Xiao-Feng Zheng, Xian-Rong Luo, Hui-YunWang . Allele loss and down-regulation of heparanase gene areassociated with progression and poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. PlosOne, 2012;7(8):e44061. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044061. Epub 2012 Aug 31.

17.     Shajo Kunnath-Velayudhan, AmyL. Davidow, Hui-Yun Wang,Douglas M. Molina, Vu T. Huynh, Hugh Salamon, Richard Pine, Gerd Michel, MarkD. Perkins, Liang Xiaowu, Philip L. Felgner, JoAnne L. Flynn, AntoninoCatanzaro, Maria L. Gennaro. Proteome-ScaleAntibody Responses and Outcome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection inNonhuman Primates and in Tuberculosis Patients. J Infect Dis. 2012Sep;206(5):697-705.

18.     Na Liu, Nian-Yong Chen, Rui-XueCui, Wen-Fei Li,  Yan Li,Rong-Rong Wei,  Mei-Ying Zhang, Bi-JunHuang, M.S., Ying Sun, Ling-Long Tang, Mo Chen, Guang-Qun Zhou,Qing-Mei He, Ning Jiang, Lei Chen, Jing-Ping Yun, Jing Zen,  Li-Zhi Liu, Li Li, Ying Guo, Hui-Yun Wang (co-corresponding) and Jun Ma. Prognosticvalue of a microRNA signature in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a microRNAexpression analysis. Lancet Oncology, 2012, Jun; 13(6):633-41.  Epub2012 May 3.

19.     LongHuang, Jia-Xin Lin, Yan-Hong Yu, Mei-Yin Zhang, Hui-Yun Wang (co-corresponding), Min Zheng. Downregulation of Six MicroRNAs IsAssociated with Advanced Stage, Lymph Node Metastasis and Poor Prognosis inSmall Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix. PLoS ONE, 2012;7(3):e33762. Epub2012 Mar 16.

20.     YiC, Wang Q, Wang L, Huang Y, Li L, Liu L, Zhou X, Xie G, Kang T, Wang H, Zeng M, Ma J, Zeng Y,Yun JP. MiR-663, a microRNA targeting p21(WAF1/CIP1), promotes theproliferation and tumorigenesis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Oncogene.2012 Oct 11; 31(41):4421-33 . doi: 10.1038/onc.2011.629. [Epub ahead of print]

21.     LongHuang, Min Zheng, Mei-Yin Zhang, Qing-Ming Zhou, Yin Zhang, Wei-Hua Jia and Hui-Yun Wang. A Gene ExpressionSignature Predicts the Prognosis of Patients with Cervical Carcinoma. MedOncol. 2012 Dec;29(4):2911-8.

22.     Rong-RongWei, Mei-Yin Zhang, Hui-Lan Rao, Heng-Yin Pu, Hui-Zhong Zhang, Hui-Yun Wang . Identification ofADH4 as a novel and potential prognostic marker in hepatocellular carcinoma. MedOncol. 2012 Dec;29(4):2737-43. doi: 10.1007/s12032-011-0126-3. Epub2011 Dec 7.

23.     ChenXQ, He JR, Wang HY. Decreasedexpression of ALDH1L1 is associated with a poor prognosis in hepatocellularcarcinoma. Med Oncol. 2012 Sep; 29(3):1843-9. Epub 2011 Oct 11.

24.     LongHuang, Min Zheng, Qing-Min Zhou, Mei-Ying Zhang, Wei-Hua Jia, Jing-Ping Yun and Hui-Yun Wang. Identification of a gene-expression signature forpredicting lymph node metastasis in early stage patients with cervicalcarcinoma. Cancer, 2011 Aug1;117(15):3363-73. 

25.     Pramanik S, Cui X, Wang HY,Chimge NO, Hu G, Shen L, Gao R, Li H. Segmental duplication as one of thedriving forces underlying the diversity of the human immunoglobulin heavy chainvariable gene region. BMC Genomics.2011, 12(1):78.

26.     Kunnath-VelayudhanS*, Salamon H*, Wang HY*(Co-firstAuthor),Davidow AL, Molina DM, Huynh VT, Cirillo DM, Michel G, Talbot EA, Perkins MD,Felgner PL, Liang X, Gennaro ML. Dynamic antibody responses to theMycobacterium tuberculosis proteome. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA. 2010 Aug 17;107(33):14703-8.

27.     HaiqingMa, Desheng Weng, Yibing Chen, Wei Huang, Ke Pan, Hui Wang, Jiancong Sun,Qijing Wang, Zhiwei Zhou, Huiyun Wang* (Co-corresponding author) and Jianchuan Xia*. Extensive analysis of D7S486 in primary gastric cancersupports TESTIN as a candidate tumor suppressor gene. Mol Cancer.2010, 9:190.         

28.     Guo-Liang Huang, Bin-Kui Li,Mei-Yin Zhang, Hui-Zhong Zhang, Rong-Rong Wei, Yun-Fei Yuan, Ming Shi,Xiao-Qian Chen, Long Huang, An-Hua Li, Bi-Jun Huang, Honghua Li, Hui-YunWang. LOH analysis of genes around D4S2964 identifies ARD1B as aprognostic predictor of hepatocellular carcinoma. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010, 16(16):2046-2054.

29.     HuakunZhang, Haiqing Ma, Qijing Wang, Minshan Chen, Desheng Weng, Hui Wang, Jun Zhou,Yongqiang Li, Jiancong Sun, Yibing Chen, Xiaoting Liang, Jingjing Zhao, Ke Pan, Huiyun Wang (Co-corresponding),Jianchuan Xia. Analysis of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 4q inhepatocellular carcinoma using high-throughput SNP array. Oncol Rep,2010,23(2): 445-455.

30.     Hui-Yun Wang, Danielle Greenawalt, Xiangfeng Cui, Irina Tereshchenko, MinjieLuo, Qifeng Yang, Marco Azaro, Guohong Hu, Yi Chu, James Y. Li, Li Shen, YongLin, Lianjun Zhangand Honghua Li. Identification of Possible Genetic Alterations in the Breast Cancer CellLine MCF-7 Using High-density SNP Genotyping Microarray. Journal of Carcinogenesis, 2009, 8:6.

31.     Minjie Luo, Xiangfeng Cui,David Fredman, Anthony J. Brookes, Marco A. Azaro, Danielle M.Greenawalt,Guohong Hu, Hui-Yun Wang, Irina V. Tereshchenko1, Yong Lin, YueShentu, Richeng Gao, Li Shen, Honghua Li. Genetic structures of copy number variants revealed by genotyping singlesperm.  PLoS ONE. 2009,4(4):e5236.

32.     Guohong Hu, Qifeng Yang,Xiangfeng Cui, Gang Yue, Marco Azaro, Hui-Yun Wang and HonghuaLi. A Highly Sensitive and Specific System forLarge-scale Gene Expression Profiling.  BMC Genomics, 2008, 9(1): 9.

33.     Marc Q. Ma, Kai Zhang, Hui-YunWang and Frank Y. Shi.  ELBELB-Q, A New Method for Improving the Robustness in DNA Microarray ImageQuantification.  IEEE Transactionson Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2007,11(5): 574-582.

34.     Guohong Hu, Hui-Yun Wang,Danielle M. Frikker, Marco A. Azaro, Minjie Luo, Irina V. Tereshchenko,Xiangfeng Cui, Qifeng Yang, Richeng Gao, Li Shen, and Honghua Li. AccuTyping:New Algorithms for Large-scale SNPs Genotyping in Two-color Microarray. NucleicAcids Research, 2006, 34(17):e116.

35.     Danielle M. Greenawalt, XiangfengCui, Yujun Wu, Yong Lin, Hui-Yun Wang, Minjie Luo, Irina V.Tereshchenko, Guohong Hu, James Y. Li, Yi Chu, Marco A. Azaro, CristinaDeCoste, Nyam-Osor Chimge, Richeng Gao, Li shen, Weichung J. Shih, KennethLange, and Honghua Li.  Strong Correlationbetween Meiotic Crossovers and the Haplotype Structure on the Long Arm ofChromosome 21.  Genome Research, 2006 16: 208-214.

36.     Hui-Yun Wang, Mijie Luo, Irina Tereshchenko, Danielle Frikker, Xiangfeng Cui,James Y. Li, Guohong Hu, Yi Chu, Marco Azaro, Li shen, Qifeng Yang, ManousosKambouris, Richeng Gao, and Honghua Li. A Genotyping System Capable of Simultaneously Analyzing >1,000 SingleNucleotide Polymorphisms in a Haploid Genome.  Genome Research 2005, 15(2): 276-283.

37.     Feng BJ, Huang W, Shugart YY,Lee MK, Zhang F, Xia JC, Wang HY, Huang TB, Jian SW, Huang P,Feng QS, Huang LX, Yu XJ, Li D, Chen LZ, Jia WH, Fang Y, Huang HM, Zhu JL, LiuXM, Zhao Y, Liu WQ, Deng MQ, Hu WH, Wu SX, Mo HY, Hong MF, King MC, Chen Z,Zeng YXGenome-wide scan forfamilial nasopharyngeal carcinoma and evidence for linkage to chromosome4.  Nature Genetics, 2002;31(4): 395-399.

38.     Shao JY, Huang XM, Yu XJ, HuangLX, Wu QL, Xia JC, Wang HY, Feng QS, Ren ZF, Ernberg I, Hu LF,Zeng YX.  Loss of heterozygosity and itscorrelation with clinical outcome and Epstein-Barr virus infection innasopharyngeal carcinoma.  AnticancerResearch, 2001; 21 (4B): 3021-3029.

39.     Li SP, Wang HY (co-firstauthor), Zhang Chang-Qing, Feng Qi-Sheng, Huang Ping, Yu Xing-Juan,Huang Li-Xi, Liang Qi-Wang and Zeng Yi-Xin. Genome-wide analyses on loss of heterozygosity in hepatocellularcarcinoma in Southern China.  Journalof Hepatology, 2001; 34(6): 840-849.

40.     Shao Jian-Yong, WangHui-Yun(co-first author), Huang Xiao-Ming, Feng Qi-Sheng,Huang Ping, Feng Bing-Jian, Huang Li-Xi, Yu Xing-Juan, Hu Li-Fu, Ernberg I andZeng Yi-Xin.  Genome-wide allelotypeanalysis of sporadic primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma from southern China.  International Journal of Oncology, 2000; 17(6): 1267-1275.


Last updated on: August, 2014


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